Born in Queens, NY and raised in Nashville, TN, Rich has been involved with the arts since he could crawl, beginning with drawing and animation as a kid and music as a teenager. This mix of involvement in both visual art and music has made the transition of becoming a highly awarded television and film composer to an accomplished music video, film and television director a natural progression.
Rich graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston with degrees in both composition and film scoring. After completing his graduate studies at USC, Rich went on to score some of television’s most popular sitcoms including WILL AND GRACE, ACCORDING TO JIM, and KING OF QUEENS, among others, along with a slew of commercials and AAA title video games for likes of FOX Interactive, EA and Vivendi-Universal.
In 2005, Rich took a hiatus from writing music to direct a horror film THE CURSE OF EL CHARRO. The movie, although low on budget, was high on style and got bought by Paramount/Showtime and still haunts late-night cable to this day. It wasn’t long until his dark aesthetic caught the eye of several bands in the neighborhood and Rich found himself shooting music videos for artists like THEORY OF A DEADMAN, THE SWORD, BLUES TRAVELER, POD, and AVICII with LENNY KRAVITZ.

Never letting his musical talents go to waste, Rich continues to compose for movies including music for David Mamet’s EDMOND, the Sundance award-winner BIG RIVER MAN and Tribeca Film’s release GIANT MECHANICAL MAN. Most recently Rich has been able to combine his talents in a big way by both shooting the original pitch pilot and writing the theme song for AMC’s reality title FREAKSHOW. Onward and upward…
For more info – poke around this website or the KNR Productions website, check out Rich’s IMDb, shoot him an email, or find him hanging out at Groundworks in Venice…peace.